
he Quickstep, with its roots in Ragtime, was developed in the 1920’s in New York from a combination of Foxtrot, Charleston, Peabody and the One-Step. Originally it was danced solo – away from the partner, but later became a partner dance. It was originally given the name “Quick Time Fox Trot” but eventually that name was changed to Quickstep. The dance traveled to England and was developed into the dance that we know today, and was standardized in 1927. In a basic form Quickstep is a combination of walks and chasses but in an advanced stage hops jumps & many syncopations are utilized. It is an elegant and glamorous dance and body contact is maintained throughout the dance.
The Quickstep music is written in 4/4 time and should be played at a tempo of about 48 -‐ 52 measures per minute for examinations and competitions.
The Quickstep is a progressive and turning dance moving along the Line of Dance, utilizing Walks and Chasse movements. Rise and Fall, Sway and Bounce action are the basic characteristics of the International Style Quickstep.